
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Memory-Keeping, Memory-Making

Scrapbook Weekend 2019:
Irene, Mama, Lynn
(wearing Miss Fancy cricut
t-shirts made by Lynn!)
Since the year 2000 (when we first got involved with Creative Memories), my sister, mother and I have gathered annually (or some years bi-annually) for a weekend of together-ness.

We call this our "scrapbook weekend," because for many years our focus was on scrapbooking, and those weekends often included other family members who also enjoyed scrapbooking.

But, as our lives have changed, our needs have changed, too. These days we like it to be just the three of us. We  journey from 3 different states, and we bring whatever creative projects we're currently working on -- maybe it's learning to use the cricut machine or how to transfer photos from a phone to a new computer. Maybe it's a sewing project. Or maybe it's scrapbooking. :)

The important thing is sharing the time together, renewing those bonds. Remembering, and making new memories. Living our poems together, at least for a weekend... that somehow, miraculously, carries us through the year.


  1. Love the t-shirts! It seems like everyone I know (except me)has gotten a cricut. They've been creating some amazing craft projects! What a wonderful tradition with you mom and sister. xo

  2. Love seeing the picture and hearing about your time together, Irene. No matter what the project, doing it with a loved one makes it more special.


Your thoughts?