
Thursday, March 14, 2019

STARDUST by Jeanne Willis, illus. by Briony May Smith

I love books about sibling issues... maybe because with 3 brothers and 1 sister, I had sibling issues! And as a parent of 3 sons, I've witnessed many sibling issues.

And when I say "issues," I should say that not all of those issues are bad, per se... I am so so lucky I got The Best Sister in the World. She and I saved each other's lives more than once and in more ways than I can ever adequately communicate.

Irene & Lynn, BFASF
Anyway... there was a time when I felt overshadowed by my (little) sister. She was not only beautiful (and participated -- and won! -- lots of beauty pageants), she's also smart and driven. Of the two of us, she was definitely a higher achiever in school! For a while I wasn't sure where -- or how --I could shine.

And that's what STARDUST by Jeanne Willis, illus. by Briony May Smith, brought to us by Nosy Crow, is all about. The heroine in the book is lucky to have a grandfather who reminds her of her worth and all the possibilities for her. (I, too, was lucky to have so many loving adults in my life to make me feel loved and valued.)

By the end of the book her focus has shifted from what she's not (her sister) to how big the world is and how many possibilities there are for her (and everyone!).

The last spread leads us to believe this little girl becomes an astronaut with her own star-y adventures. It's hopeful and sweet, and might be just the message some kid in your life needs to hear.

Yes, we are all stardust. xo

1 comment:

  1. Just had to pop by when I saw this delightful cover. Adding it to my holds shelf at the library. Fingers crossed they have a copy.


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