
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Reflecting on Our 2019 One Little Words

Welcome to the final installment of Spiritual Journey Thursday for 2019! Per our tradition, today's posts will focus on our experiences with whatever was our 2019 One Little Word.

When I selected the word "Happy," I didn't know where it would lead our how it would impact my life. I guess we never do know at the start of the year! Choosing the word resulted in one of my favorite ARTSPEAK! projects ever: ARTSPEAK! Happy. I loved writing happy, joyful poems inspired by art featuring sunny oranges and yellows. It was definitely a highlight of my year. And it has indeed been a happy year, at least for the most part. One of the things I'm learning in my spiritual life is to not be so attached to my feelings. I've adopted the habit of acknowledging a feeling, and then allowing myself 90
seconds to feel it - and then letting it go. This has brought me a lot of relief from some painful feelings, and allows me to exist in a more contented (happy) place most of the time. Also, I've been reading this book: THE HAPPINESS PASSPORT: A World Tour of Joyful Living in 50 Words by Megan C. Hayes. Good stuff!

Usually by this time of year, I have an inkling as to what my next year's One Little Word might be. But this year I haven't a clue! So I am giving it to the universe -- I look forward to discovering the word in coming weeks.

For now I look forward to hearing about your experience this year with your One Little Word. Please leave your links in comments, and I will add them to the post. Happy day to all, and thanks for reading!

Ruth at no such thing as a godforsaken town talks about (im)possibility.

Margaret at Reflections on the Teche talks about grace.

Karen at Karen's Got a Blog takes us on an alphabet journey.

Carol at Beyond LiteracyLink shares about what she's learned from her word "embrace."


  1. Here's mine. Thanks for hosting and for your uplifting post!

  2. You are a lesson in how to live your poem. Thanks for all do, especially carrying the Spiritual Thursday group through the last two (?) years. I am reflecting on my one little word with a poem:

    1. Thank YOU Margaret for being the one to carry on these wonderful community traditions. You're amazing! xo

  3. Irene: Thank you for this post, which teaches me a valuable lesson... and thank you for hosting. I hope I will see you around the blogosphere in the next year. Find my post at:

    1. Dear Karen, I will be around, just not as much! I will pop in on you for sure. xo

  4. Irene, it is with gratitude that I thank you for leading our group and providing a safe space for our feelings to grow. I am especially taken by your thought: "I've adopted the habit of acknowledging a feeling, and then allowing myself 90 seconds to feel it - and then letting it go." In terms of negative thoughts that enter my world from others, I am going to remind myself of your method. Perhaps, this method and yoga meditation will give me time to hold on to only positive thoughts & throw away what does not benefit me. I am reflecting on my one little word, embrace, that has served me well this year.

    1. Thank YOU, Carol - my life has been so enriched by your friendship. xo

    2. I feel the same toward you, my friend.

  5. Oh, how I loved your Artspeak! Happy project. And I've loved your writing for your memoir project this year. I read your Happy Report this morning and must admit that I'm a little nervous about seeing less of you this upcoming year. But a weekly Artspeak poem will ease the transition AND seeing you welcome a new book each season in 2020. You must be doing a happy dance!

    1. Ramona, thank you for being a reader! YOU make me happy dance for sure. xo

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Adding my link one day late. I tried!

    1. Here's the link -

  8. I will keep checking for your presence! My own has been sketchy this year, but I'm hoping for some fresh inspiration and energy for 2020. I'll miss reading your regular posts, but know you will be growing and writing still.

    1. Whoops! My link:: Hmmmm. It won't put in the colon after https...


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