
Thursday, April 9, 2020

999 Copies of NINE: A BOOK OF NONET POEMS on the Wall

Hello and happy April 9! A few months ago Amy Huntington, illustrator of NINE: A Book of Nonet Poems (and other books), suggested we celebrate NINE on the 9th of each month leading up to the book's release June 9, 2020. And so we have! And it's bee great!

Well. This week we were informed that due to issues related to COVID19, the book's on sale date was moved up... and it's already available for sale! In April! For National Poetry Month! Two months early!

Hard to complain about a book coming early, right?? So anyway, no reviews have been posted yet... and I haven't been able to execute any of the plans I envisioned for NINE's release... 

Maybe later? Maybe never? I don't know! 

Right now I'm just going to share another spread from the book so you can get to know it a bit better. Meet my new animal friend:

Nine-Banded Armadillo

This creature wears nine belts but no pants.
No socks ride its leathery legs
yet it sports an armored coat.
It dances by moonlight
and feasts on termites, 
claws click-clicking,
snout snuffling
in worm

- Irene Latham

And here is a picture of an armadillo I met last year (7-banded, not 9-banded). Check out those claws!!

Let's call her "Josephine," shall we?
(It has 9 letters. :)


  1. Josephine is just right, Irene. Now you'll have me looking for nine-letter names! : ) It's strange about your book. I pre-ordered long ago & have not heard if it's on its way. I checked your book on Amazon which says it was out April 2nd, but is out of stock??? Whatever happens, I know it will be out in the world & loved! Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations, Irene! I've been looking forward to this book and am excited I can get it now. I love this introduction to a nine-banded armadillo. And yes, Josephine's claws are something else! Hope you and all your family are well.

  3. Oh I am going to see if I have ordered or not. It is coming to me for sure. I can't wait. What happy news. In the time of Covid NINEteen......congratulations in advance, Irene! Janet Clare F.

  4. Woo hoo! Hooray for some good news! It looks like a delightful collection.

  5. GREAT NEWS! I will order it asap from a local indie bookstore!

  6. Yay for "NINE" making its entrance during NPM–So happy for you Irene, I'm looking forward to ordering it from my local Indie bookstore!

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