
Friday, April 17, 2020

"Everyday" Poem

Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit Molly at Nix the Comfort Zone for Roundup. 

Sometimes the thing that gets me through difficult times is simply sticking to the routine: writing in the morning, talking walks with husband and dog, practicing my cello. I guess that's what was on my mind when I selected this week's art and wrote my latest ArtSpeak! RED poem. Enjoy!


River sloshes
over washerwomen's feet

as they beat the clothes
to make them clean.

Meanwhile buzzards wade
pick, wait –

neither complains
on these watercolor mornings

as the river sings.

- Irene Latham


  1. "Watercolor mornings." Oh, perfect. And the buzzards. <3

  2. By the way, thank you so much for your comment on my blog this morning. It gave me a huge (much-needed) smile!

  3. Your poem, with that painting, shows a life that takes the good days as treasure, Irene. I like that you showed the patience of both, no matter the chore, loving the beautiful day. It never occured to me that washing clothes at a river meant working among the animals, too. Love the good feeling you've shown. Happy Friday!

  4. What a lovely capture of the every day...the necessary...the art in the ordinary. It's almost a monastic mood. Now that I'm working from home, I'm writing lots more. I do work...but I also write in the mornings and walk with hubs in the afternoon. I cannot complain. I am very fortunate. Wishing you many good words for the rest of this month.

  5. So many lovely images here, Irene. Listening to the river sing on "watercolor mornings" would make any task more enjoyable.

  6. Beautiful poem. I, too, love "watercolor mornings." I'm also grateful for my daily routines; one day at a time . . .

  7. The act of doing chores is a way to carry on, isn't it. That daily trip to the river to wash or the daily cleaning of the dog's water bowl. I find myself going slowly through chores, as if to just savor the silence. Watercolor mornings is a good line to steal.

  8. The routine, the mundane is what is keeping me sane. I too, love watercolor mornings.

  9. I agree with you about routine, Irene. Wish I could actually stick to one these days. Not that I'm complaining... ;) I'm channeling my inner washerwoman.

  10. Writing morning poetry, that always makes the day better…
    And yes to:
    "on these watercolor mornings

    as the river sings."

    Diego Rivera's image is gorgeous, that red skirt is singing, and I love the roundness in his women, imagery, and composition–thanks Irene, xo.

  11. I, also, love "watercolor mornings" and the singing river. I'm someone who finds great comfort in routine. I'm still trying to figure out the outlines of this new screen-based routine that shapes my world these days. This coming week is spring break, so routine is out the window regardless, and I have time to visit my version of the singing river :)

  12. Yes to the routines -- my morning routine of exercise and tea, the routines I'm building and reestablishing for my students (and me), our weekly routine of delivering food donations.

  13.'s all about what WE make out of it. Great reminder, Irene, and lovely poem.

  14. I love those watercolor mornings. It's been hard for me to stick to routine, but one anchor is the daily walk with my daughter, whatever time of day it is.

  15. "...watercolor mornings
    as the river sings."
    Lovely image.
    Still trying to find my rhythm in this new time.

  16. Routines help keep us grounded, I think. And perhaps hopeful. The phrase "watercolor mornings" will stick with me.

  17. I love it, Irene! And especially, I think the women love meeting at the shore, just to talk as they scrub. Looks like the buzzards like their social time also. Haha.

  18. "Watercolor mornings" This is such a good reminder of the beauty that can be found in the mundane.

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