
Friday, June 5, 2020

ArtSpeak: RED "The World of the Vase is Dark, Wet" poem

Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure and visit Margaret at Reflections on the Teche for Roundup.

Also: if you'll be joining the Roundup (here!) next week June 12, you're invited to share a post in honor of Nikki Grimes and her body of work. 

I don't have an great words or thoughts to share today. I'm feeling emotionally fragile, as I know many of us are. Writing helps. Here's the latest ArtSpeak: RED poem in all its messy raw-ness. Thank you for reading. xo

The World of the Vase is Dark, Wet

it sits
on a table
with opinions
as fact

it holds
the scent
of bliss,
the velvety
of open

it admires
the red wall:
it's passion,
as blood,
and just
as necessary

- Irene Latham


  1. "just as necessary" is a perfect exit from this poem. Thank you, Irene. I sit with you in emotional rawness. Gather strength how you can today. Wishing you words and words and words.

  2. I'm feeling that words help, as you've written from your own heart, and that we all need to reflect and find ways to act and help.

  3. Beautiful and thought provoking. What a week. Feeling with you . . .

  4. Yes, writing helps. Thanks for doing it.

  5. Though, your "dark, wet," vase can see beyond itself. "it admires the red wall," and all it has to give… Thank you for writing, I felt writing helped this overwhelming feeling this week too, xo

  6. I'm always grateful for the poems you share. It encourages me. It's been an exhausting sad week but writing helps.

  7. Writing helps, yes. Reading too. Just being with one another is huge. (((hugs))) TLD is going on a summer hiatus, but I'll come back next week to repost my spotlight interview with Nikki from a few years ago.

  8. Donec pharetra, odio non scelerisque fringilla, libero leo luctus sem, in pharetra lectus elit ut enim. Donec sit amet elit sem. Bayrak İmalatı Flama Üretimi Olta Bayrak Cras id augue vestibulum, sodales nisi a, lacinia neque. Praesent non fringilla tellus, nec convallis massa. Vivamus elementum tellus Donec ullamcorper massa id neque sagittis gravida. Phasellus euismod eget elit vel aliquam. Praesent sit amet odio at libero vulputate lobortis.

  9. The fragility of our world has been on full display this past week and it has been heart-wrenching. Your words sum it up perfectly:
    "it's passion,
    as blood,
    and just
    as necessary"
    Thank you for sharing. Hugs to you, dear Irene.

  10. The contrast between the beauty, situated between a clutter of opinions and the passion of the wall...yes.

  11. You have found the beauty in suffering. I have to believe in that necessary beauty.

  12. I love your description of the newspaper. And, yes, "emotionally fragile" pretty much captures it. Thanks, Irene.

  13. Irene, I believe that your feeling of emotional fragility is shared among many in our writing community. The long stretch of quarantine life is draining. We took a walk to the boardwalk, felt the freshness of the ocean, and listened to the sweep of the waves thinking how could this pandemic and disharmony be real when nature seems so constant. Your red poem holds the weight of your heart.

    I am excited about honoring Nikki and am gearing up to publish my post for Poetry Friday. I have thought about this post for awhile now.


Your thoughts?