
Friday, September 11, 2020

ArtSpeak! RED poem: The Truth About Happy Families

 Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit Kiesha at Whispers from the Ridge for Roundup. 

It's been a busy writing week for me... I finished (another) first draft of a middle grade novel I started back in 2014. Hooray! It's got magic, secrets, adventure... and a girl who wants a horse! I started working on it again this past April, and I'm just delighted with how it's grown. We'll see how I feel when I pick it up again in a few weeks for revisions. :)

Meanwhile, here's my latest ArtSpeak! RED poem... I had already selected my art when I (accidentally) popped on Instagram, and I saw all the happy families... and then I wrote this poem. Thank you for reading!

The Truth About Happy Families

A polkadot family
lives on a polkadot street.
They feast
on polkadot meals
and sip polkadot drinks.

This polkadot family
looks happy as can be!
But you know
and I know
things aren't always
as they seem.

The truth about
this polkadot family
is that some days happy
is just a dream.

- Irene Latham


  1. Lovely...and funny and a bit wistful too. Thanks for writing this.

  2. Charming poem -- you find the best art (hadn't seen this Picasso). Good to hear you've made progress on your MG novel. Happy Writing!

  3. I like it! Good view on all the curated perfection we see on social media.

  4. Irene, I love this poem, just in time for Dot Day. Can I use it for my first Poetry Friday with kids next week? I can't wait to get started. I'm excited about another middle grade novel from you! Margaret

  5. Picasso had such a broad array of art for us. I have never seen this one & it is intriguing. How you approached it with the happy rhythm but then the startling end startled me. And sadly, it is true, as many are saying, everyone has a story. Thanks, Irene, for making me think! Best wishes for the novel, too!

  6. I love that polka dot family and the reminder that appearances aren't always what they seem.

  7. Such a jolly, happy-go-lucky poem that takes a truth-filled melancholic turn. Thanks for your sensitive poem Irene, I like your polkadot background around Picasso's piece. Part of your poem reminds me of a favorite picture book, "May I Bring
    a Friend." Happy Revising, thanks! xo

  8. Such a clever poem, Irene! Thank you for sharing your work and best wishes for revision work on your MG :) xx


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