
Friday, October 9, 2020

ArtSpeak: RED poem "A Traveling Song"

 Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit Bridget at wee words for wee ones for Roundup.

Many thanks to Janet F. for encouraging me to make this How to Find Nestlings handout! Hopefully this will make it even easier for teachers/readers to experience the joy of found poetry. :)

Also, I invite you to visit Michelle Kogan for the final day of the THIS POEM IS A NEST blog tour. So many thanks to these fabulous bloggers! Be sure to visit Carol @ Beyond LiteracyLink to read her "gold-dust poem," too. 

Do you haiku?

Calling all haiku poets! Tuscaloosa Sister Cities International is accepting haiku (Japanese-style poetry) for our project, "Coming Together During a Global Pandemic". Haiku traditionally feature three lines of poetry, formatted in 5-7-5 syllable structure.
Shall we walk outside?
Yes, we can, but not too close.
Please maintain distance.
Haiku may be solemn, observational, experiential, or provocative in nature. What a productive way to share thoughts and experiences during these challenging days.All are welcome to participate.  Please submit your haiku by October 16, 2020, to and include your name and city.  TSCI plans to publish a booklet with the top 100 haiku at the end of the year!     

My latest ArtSpeak! RED poem is a short little love poem after a Monet I've never seen before. Be looking for more Monet in the coming weeks! 

A Traveling Song

I love you where the red road rambles,
I love you beside a sapphire sea.
Whether day brings blooms or brambles,
with you is where I want to be.
- Irene Latham


  1. Thank you for the Nestling handout, Irene. Your brilliant book is a gift to poetry lovers the world over. I love your Traveling Song poem inspired by Monet's painting. It truly looks like he could have painted my neck of the woods here in Switzerland. Can I add your post URL to the round-up list? :)

  2. It's a sweet love poem, Irene and with that Monet, gorgeous! Thanks for the info about the haiku call and for the handout, too. Happy Weekend!

  3. Irene, thank you for the shoutout. I absolutely love your new book. It speaks of joy and inspiration. Your back matter, Tips Section, is concise and easy to follow, just as if you are right next to me guiding the process. Upon first look your handout is a great accompaniment for any writer or teacher. Now, on to your Red poem with that gorgeous Monet painting: the rhythm allows me to sink into the artwork-a little treasure! Also, thanks for the haiku project information.

  4. Lovely, sweet song-poem Irene, and it tastes good as you say it. All the texture in Monet's painting goes so well with your poem. Thanks for the info on the haiku call. BTW I've been reading a book I picked up a few years ago from an exhibit called, "Florine Stettheimer: Painting Poetry." She used lots of red in her paintings, you can take a look here:
    Thanks, xo.

  5. red road rambles....what a great start to a journey. I will enjoy more Monet paintings! Bring them on.

  6. Love your poetic Monet tribute. Thanks for sharing it as well as the info about the haiku collection. Last, but definitely not least, my heartfelt congratulations on your new collection. I cannot wait to get a copy of my own and also try my hand at some nestlings :)

  7. Your new book sounds fabulous - everyone says so. Going to order a copy. :-)


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