
Friday, January 15, 2021

ArtSpeak: FOUR SEASONS "When Snow" poem

 Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit Margaret at Reflections on the Teche for Roundup (where she's got more nestlings. Yay!).

It's been a catch-up kind of week for me, after the long vacation from the week before. I still don't feel all the way caught up, but there is satisfaction in checking more than half the things off the to-do list!

I'm excited to share with you today another winter snow poem—especially as parts of Alabama got snow this week. Here at the lake we got a new-to-me phenomenon: frozen fog. It looked like the trees were cast in suspended snow. Beautiful! Thank you for reading.

When Snow

when twilight falls
snow calls—

when child wiggles
snow giggles

when coat twirls
snow whirls

when horse prances
snow dances

when fire flurries
snow scurries

when moon shines
snow whines
                     come back

-Irene Latham


  1. "Snow giggles" -- love! Beautiful painting by Grandma Moses, too. xo

  2. Frozen frogs! How sad and unusual for Alabama, I'm sure. I enjoyed your rhyming verbs.

  3. A perfect pairing, Irene - I'm looking at the snow outside right now, imagining your poem.

  4. Hi, Irene! I'm so excited about this poem because frozen fog was one of the prompts in last year's February poetry group. I'm going to share your post with them.

  5. We finally has some snow last week, wishing for more, but it is quite amazing that you had some. I would love to see that frozen fog. I love that poem, short phrases made beautiful images, right from the painting.

  6. It sounds gorgeous, Irene! I love the invitation of your initial two lines. We've had very little snow around here this year and there's no ice on the rivers and lakes. So strange...

  7. Fun moving poem Irene, almost makes me want to embrace winter–I like the quietness of it, but not the cold… Lovely arrangement too, with the Grandma Moses image and speckled cerulean blue postcard. It reminds me of a series I've been watching called "Dickinson" on of course Emily Dickinson, thanks!

  8. What a party of personification. All those joyful ways of celebrating snow. I love all of them! Poor moon. Snow will come back someday.

  9. Because frozen fog is also known as RIME, I think it begs for a poem...some RHYME!

    Love the personification of your snow!

  10. What a delightful poem--and perfect as I woke up to snow this morning with more on the way--finally!

  11. So lovely. Thank you! Frozen fog sounds beautiful, though I'm not in any hurry to experience it for myself...

  12. I love frozen fog, rime ice, hoarfrost--all the variations. We had some recently, too. So gorgeous! Love "when horse prances
    snow dances" . . .

  13. I love the simplicity of this poem as well as the personification. I don't know if I've ever seen frozen fog here on the east coast. I will have to do some research.

  14. I love how you can make the simplest words shine like a new blanket of snow. The gentle rhymes create a song. This is a poem I will share with students. Thanks for the inspiration!


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