
Friday, April 30, 2021

Because every day is a symphony in spring (poem)

 Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit Matt at Radio, Rhythm and Rhyme for the last roundup of National Poetry Month. Whew! No month pops its buttons like April. :)

This week I had a great time presenting about how to find poems hiding in art to young poets in Deschutes County, Oregon (thank you, Poetry Paige!)'s the link to the (free!) replay.

And TODAY at 3 pm CST, Janet Wong will be presenting poems... free! And you're invited! Simply go to this link to join in.

 I also shared this week about all my books to 3rd graders at Appalachian School in my very own Blount County, Alabama... and today (after helping with a community yard sale!) I'll be joining Yuko Shimizu and readers from Homewood Public Library to chat about THE CAT MAN OF ALEPPO. 

Lucky me!

AND... there's a new review of D-39: A ROBODOG'S JOURNEY, from Publisher's Weekly, and it's lovely! 

"Any dog lover will appreciate this heartwarming tale of love and perseverance."

(Just 3 weeks until release day. And thanks to covid I still haven't held a physical copy yet... I'm told it's in the mail...)

In the spirit of celebration, here's my newest ArtSpeak: Four Seasons poem. Thank you for reading! 

Because every day is a symphony in spring

When green


gold cannot
hold its applause—

Glimmer! Shimmer!

Red rises
from banks

yellow explode
from beds

All is awake,
even the skies—

Flash! Crash!

Blue drops in
with a sudden

Encore! Encore!

- Irene Latham


  1. Hi Irene! Your week sounds like a wonderful one, and for all those kids, too. I'm looking forward to reading your D39- Robodog book. The poem is simply like my spring so far, green is singing and I am wishing for more of that blue! Have a lovely weekend!

  2. You captured the thoughts of all of us who are so thrilled that green is finally singing again! Happy spring!

  3. The cacophony colorful details in your spring symphony poem is worthy of many encores, Irene! Brava! :)

  4. Oh, that's a great ending for the month. Brava!

  5. Green is singing in my backyard. Thanks for the link to Janet's presentation today.

  6. Congrats on the great review. Ah, that's a wonderful symphony for today.

  7. Irene this poem is really cannot hold it's applause. That's the best part...unless it's the blue dropping in. I really can't decide. I'm delighted to know that D-39 is doing well. Hooray! Write. Irene, Write!

  8. I love your symphony! That would make a great poem for two voices!

    And HUZZAH for D-39! I can't wait until this book is out in the world!

  9. This:

    "When green

    gold cannot
    hold its applause—"

    Everything about these lines speaks to the beautiful green of spring. It is truly lovely.

  10. Lovely, Irene--I especially love the title. One benefit of the cold Wisconsin spring is that daffodils last longer, so lots of yellow explosions around here.

  11. The colors of spring are lovely, outside and in your poem!

  12. Thanks for your colorful symphony of spring with loving energy, and congrats on D-39!


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