
Friday, March 4, 2022

Joy Serenades the Stars (poem)

Flowers brightening
my bathroom window
on a sunny morning.
Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit happy Kat at Kathryn Apel for Roundup.

I'm away from my desk this week, at Monroeville Literary Festival in Monroeville, Alabama (home of Harper Lee!) with my mom (!) and Charles Waters. Here's some scenes from traveling some of the same roads a decade ago!

Back in 2020, Monroeville Literary Festival was my last public event before covid shuttered the world...I'm glad to be making new memories.

Today's ArtSpeak: Animals poem features a coyote! 

I don't have a lot of experience with coyotes, though a highlight of our Yellowstone adventure a few years back was watching a coyote amble across a gas station parking lot. Cars were EVERYWHERE -- people, too -- and this critter wasn't bothered in the least. It wasn't the "in the wild" experience we were after, but it taught us something true about humans and wildlife interaction, something both sad and hopeful. But my poem is not about that, not really. :) Thanks so much for reading!

Joy Serenades the Stars

must stop

must lift voice

must tell the sky
the planets
the galaxies

I am here

night so brisk
so infinite

I am alive

- Irene Latham


  1. When we used to live in Tucson we had WAY too many encounters with coyotes - not the least of which was one plucking Smidgey out of our backyard by the scruff of her neck! (my daughter witness the attempted dog-napping and got the coyote to drop Smidgey. For her part, Smidgey only had coyote slobber on her fur and a harrowing story to tell.)
    Your coyote poem IS hopeful in its serenade, Irene. Safe travels! :)

  2. We hear coyotes across the bayou, but thankfully, I've never seen one. Our bug man took a picture of one hanging out on our deck in pure daylight. Yikes! You've captured the coyote spirit with the repeated word "must" in your poem.

  3. We are planning to visit my son in a rented house in California and he tells us there is a neighborhood bear looking for food. I've seen a coyote in my yard once. I guess they are telling the world "I am alive" and we have to respect that.

  4. This poem feels so wild and raw, Irene. We saw a coyote cross the street in our suburb about 4 years ago. It was 7 a.m.ish, broad daylight, and it trotted across the street and disappeared into the townhome development. I was shocked, even though I knew we had plenty of urban coyotes! On another note, I bought Wild Peace at my bookshop today, and I can't wait to enjoy it this weekend!

  5. Irene, I live in a place now (Mojave Desert) where the coyotes serenade us (and the heavens) many brisk nights. Yes, I think they do sing for joy "I am here" "I am alive"

    Well done! Your story of the coyote at the gas station in Yellowstone is a kick.

  6. Yay! So thrilled that you are back out sharing your passion for stories with others. I can picture your smile.💕

    We have dingoes - not coyotes in Australia - and their cry is eerie. Has always sent shivers down my spine.

  7. Y*E*S* and so much the pick-me-up I needed. Sing to the show you are alive.

  8. I am blessed to see desert coyotes cross our arroyo regularly and your words could well be theirs. Thank you, Irene!

  9. We regularly hear coyotes at night in the coulee behind our house in Wisconsin. We hear them howl (Must lift voice) and hear their pups yelp with joy as they are fed in the deepest dark of night (usually 3 am). We also see them occasionally at dusk or dawn wandering back to or leaving their den. They are crossing our yard when we see them. I've gotten used to their call and that I share space (loosely) with them. Yes! We are both alive! Thanks for sharing your Coyote poem, Irene! ~ Caro ~ from The Apples in My Orchard.

  10. Lovely. We have coyotes nearby and they certainly do make their living, breathing, howling presence known. :)


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