
Friday, August 5, 2022

Picasso Cat poem


Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit Molly at Nix the Comfort Zone for Roundup.

Earlier this week BE A BRIDGE was released! It's the 4th book Charles Waters and I have created together (brought to us by Carolrhoda/Lerner, illustrations by Nabila Adani), all about acceptance and inclusivity, with some really concrete ways even very young kids can practice being a bridge. It's got some fun, useful back matter, too, to extend this topic through activities and a Bridge Builder Pledge. 

We can all be bridge builders!

This week's ArtSpeak: Animals poems begins a new sub-series I'm doing. Recently I spied in an antique shop a framed set of 6 of Picasso's simple line animal drawings. I took a picture, and when I came home, I discovered Picasso did 24 of these! 

I'm excited to write poems for them....starting with this cat. :) Thank you so much for reading.

old cat wakes

stretches snow out of bones

morning prayer

- Irene Latham


  1. ooof! Snow out of THAT's what it's called. Yep. I must be part cat. Wonderful few words that describe a whole experience.
    Hooray for 'Be a Bridge.' I'm so happy for you and Charles and all the wonderful young people that get to read it.

  2. Congratulations on BE A BRIDGE! I know I will love it! And the cat... I thought of "child pose," "downward dog," but yes... "morning prayer" is perfect.

  3. Irene, congratulations to you and Charles on your 4th collaboration and love that the book deals with acceptance and inclusivity. You Picasso black and white project is so wonderful. To write addressing one of his art pieces must feel like you are talking with him.

  4. Yes, indeed. I love that cat morning prayer. Perfect description of what Picasso's line drawing shows. I love your new project idea!

  5. Charming cat and poem! Congrats on the 4th collaboration -- y'all are a wonder!

  6. I can't wait to hold a copy of BE A BRIDGE! I know it's going to be one of the first I share with my new groups! Not sure our long-haired orange cat has any snow in his bones these days. His stretch is more like warm taffy before he plops down on the AC vent!

  7. "stretches snow out of bones"--wow! That's an amazing line! Also, congratulations on your newest book. I'm looking forward to getting a copy to share with my second graders this year!

  8. Your Picasso cat poem pairing stretches my heart to full. Yay for BE A BRIDGE (I can't not be a Bridge... ;) )

  9. Congrats on BE A BRIDGE! How wonderful. Loved your poem, a perfect accompaniment to the Picasso. I love the simplicity of his line drawings. I'm feeling a kinship with "stretches snow out of bones." :)

  10. Love your Picasso cat haiku, especially the last line. And many congrats on your new BE A BRIDGE book!!! Thanks.


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