
Friday, June 16, 2023

Night Storm poem

 Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit marvelous

Michelle Kogan for Roundup!

Reminder: "The Moon in June" will be the theme for Poetry Friday Roundup happening June 30 here at Live Your Poem. Can't wait to read your moon poems!

I got a little artsy this week when I finally got the paintbrush out and put some flowers on this shutter (pictured left) I bought a couple of years ago (!) to hide some electrical wires. Never too late to complete an art project. :)

Also, we finally finally got some rain after a very dry few weeks. (Now my rain barrel is full again—yay!) No doubt the storm is what inspired this week's ArtSpeak: Light poem. Thanks so much for reading.

Night Storm

When thunderclouds batter their drums

Moon doesn't shrink or shudder.

Come, she says, dance with me—

And the streets sing beneath her quicksilver feet.

- Irene Latham


  1. I love your sunflower shutter. Makes me want to go junk pile diving to find an old shutter. We did not get any of the rain you did. But that was good because I had day camp with my grandchildren all week. I am totally exhausted and my skin feels sun drenched but it was all I had hoped it would be. Now I need to focus on the moon.

  2. Never too late to complete an art project is right! I like the Moon's quicksilver feet. xo

  3. I love your shutter! We have a mess of utility boxes/cables right by our walkway, and I've been pondering what to do to camouflage them. Maybe a shutter is the answer! I love the moon's quicksilver feet. I swear, the moon is a cat.

  4. I love what you did to cover your electrical wires, Irene. The little house hanging from a pole is adorable also. Thank you for the lovely little package with goodies inside that I received recently. It was a total surprise. I am ready for the moon poems. I enjoyed your poem that made moon into a dancing queen.

  5. Ah, love your shutter. We had some old ones long ago, and my brother painted them for his garden. What fun to do! And love your peek-a-boo moon, Irene. You're getting ready. . . Happy weekend!

  6. Ooohhh - those quicksilver feet! Love your poem. Yay for the shutter! You know, "Never too late to complete an art project" is pretty much the mantra of my life... ha!

  7. The sunflower shutter is beautiful. And I love the quicksilver feet!

  8. Yes for art projects anytime is good–especially for sunflowers! Such a spirited moon, thanks Irene!

  9. Love the sunflowers! I have started a file of sunflower scraps for a future project. They seem to have so much personality. To be invited to dance with the moon....sigh. Lovely.

  10. So many stormy sounds in your poem, Irene :)
    And a PAINTER, too? You are incredible!

  11. Such a good moon poem, Irene! It goes well with the art. I have been meaning to have some of my son's art framed so I can hang it, so thank you for the encouragement that it's never too late to finish an art project!

  12. Never too late is a wonderful mantra! Love the sunflower shutter and your Night Storm poem. You're teasing us just in time for Moon in June fun!

  13. Quicksilver feet — love that! And your shutter is so cute. Great idea and absolutely never too late for an art project. :)


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