
Friday, November 24, 2023

If the Sun Had Shoes

 Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit radiant Ruth at no such thing as a godforsaken town for Roundup. She's invited us to share something GOOD. I'm all about that. So let me tell you: this week I've had so much fun! 

Early in the week I made my first-ever chocolate angel food cake....for my sister. Delish!

I did A LOT more cooking...and then our fellas came...and we feasted! 

We also played some family games, which always generates lots of laughter.

I crafted (Christmas ornaments!)

and gardened (33 wintercreeper plants)

and wrote (a new experimental YA!)

and revised (my adult novel).

So. Much. GOOD. 

And that got me thinking about shoes. I mean, all this going and doing requires a good pair of shoes. So, with a little help from Vincent van Gogh, I wrote this poem. Thanks so much for reading!

If the Sun Had Shoes

those shoes

would hold

a glow 

in their soles

make tracks

across each

radiant day

and illuminate

every midnight


- Irene Latham


  1. every midnight hallway---a wish come true. The world needs this from our sun these days.

  2. Hooray for all of your cooking and writing, and what a wonder that the Van Gogh painting tickled your imagination into giving the sun shoes! LOVE it!

  3. Thank you for sharing your week full of good things. I love the second stanza of this poem and it's double meaning. Love the image of a sun in shoes.

  4. It does sound like a special week of fun, Irene! I love the idea of the sun 'making tracks across each radiant day'. It does! Happy weekend, too!

  5. Irene, I love those shoes that absolutely must belong to the Sun. You have captured that painting and made it so much more than just looking at the Van Gogh. I think Vincent would be pleased with your words. I am taking "across each radiant day" with me today.

  6. Glowing poem Irene, love all the light radiating out! And ah what fun you had this week, makes me smile, thanks!

  7. Nice to hear about all your good news. Vincent's clogs do glow in this beautiful painting, and I love the connection you've made to the sun having shoes! Love your poem with all its sounds, fun personification, and sharing sunlight. You brought me happiness and inspiration. :) Also, congratulations on The Museum on the Moon becoming a 2024 Notable Book of Poetry! :)


Your thoughts?