Monday, January 4, 2016

My 2016 One Little Word

A month or more ago, my husband told me he'd noticed I've laughed more in the past year than in all the time he's known me.

Isn't that a lovely observation?

I've thought about it a lot since then, and I realize I am generally a serious-minded, thoughtful person. And that's great. But this year I want to lighten things up a bit. I want to laugh more. So the One Little Word I've selected is...


The morning after I made my decision, I stumbled upon a bit about Julia Child. It turns out Julia had a sign in her kitchen that said, "Above all, have a good time." And didn't she have a good time?! She also wrote this in her book MY LIFE IN FRANCE:
picture of sacher torte I had in Vienna. Yum!

So, maybe, this will be my Julia year? I will be focusing on delight in all things, having fun, laughing. 

I do have two books coming this year... FRESH DELICIOUS: Poems from the Farmers Market and  WHEN THE SUN SHINES ON ANTARCTICA: Poems from the Frozen Continent. Talk about fun!

If any bloggers are interested in reviewing either of these titles, I would be delighted to request a review copy. Please email me! irene (at) irenelatham (dot) com.


  1. Delight is such a happy word and just right for you. You not only are a happy person, you make others happy, too. Like me!

  2. Hurray for delight! I'm delighted to hear that.

  3. What a fun word! It's actually on my list (11 words) that I'm trying to narrow down. I'm committed to commit before Tuesday's SOL. Wish me luck! I love what you said about laughing more. It's what I miss the most when my kids leave after the holidays - their laughter!

  4. What a great word! I was wondering what you'd choose.

  5. I think you've made an excellent choice. I can't wait to see where it takes you this year. I have a pretty good idea of the word I'm going to choose, but I want to think about it a few more days. By the way, I pre-ordered WHEN THE SUN SHINES..., but if you have an extra copy of FRESH DELICIOUS, I'd love to review it. : )

    1. So kind of you, Linda! Thank you! I look forward to you new word. And yes, when the copies come in for FRESH DELICIOUS, I will send you one. :)

  6. so in honor of you I'm choosing inspire .. as be or give 2016 is going to be the year of a new better me... better as in turning loose of stress, I know I don't really stress but react as less reacting and more butt in the chair time

  7. I've read many posts today sharing one little words. "Delight" seems to encompass so much, Irene, and putting it front and center into your life will be, well, "delightful". I'm happy you are pleased, too.

  8. I love your OLW for the year. Your laugh is delightful! I am looking forward to hearing it all year long.

  9. I'm debating between faith and courage this year. I think Faith is winning out. Delight has such a joyful uplifting sound!

  10. You do have a lot to "delight" about, Irene. New books, awesome husband and kids, etc. I need to find more "delight"
    and not be so serious myself, sometimes. LATHAM POWER!

  11. Delight is a delightful word filled with such a zest for life, Irene. I look forward to pondering that for the Spiritual Journey Thursday Round-Up next week.


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