I've been thinking a lot lately about what's going on under our feet. Two books in particular have gotten me there: THE NATURALIST by E.O. Wilson and THE HIDDEN LIFE OF TREES by Peter Wohlleben.

E.O. Wilson's life's work has been the discovery and cataloguing of ants. A number of ant species' are subterranean, so one has to dig to find them.
And trees, well, trees are talking to each other underground, in their oh-so-slow with-the-help-of-fungi way. I learned about it in THE HIDDEN LIFE OF TREES. Here is a fabulous podcast interview with the author for the audio-inclined. (Thank you, April!)
And what does this have to do with poetry? Well, Jane Yolen's THUNDER UNDERGROUND (brought to us by WordSong, with illus. by Josee Masse) includes 21 poems on what's happening down there! And the back cover poses the delicious question in the subject line of this post: What's the SOUND underground? (Which reminds me of a post I wrote from a few years back about sound and poetry.)
Here is a favorite poem from the collection:
This dot,
this spot,
this period at the end
of winter's sentence
writes its way up
through the dull slate of soil
into the paragraph of spring.
- Jane Yolen
Great metaphor, isn't it?
It got me thinking: are there other "punctuation" poems? And then I had to laugh, because indeed, there are three of them in FRESH DELICIOUS! Squash varieties as question mark, exclamation mark, and period. Ha!
So, poets... do YOU have any punctuation poems? Please share!