Friday, June 21, 2024

Summer Lovin!

 Hello and Happy Poetry Friday. Be sure and visit terrific Tabatha at The Opposite of Indifference for Roundup.

Summer is here! Wow, what a hot one so far. We've had some lovely lake days... and in just a few days it will be time to return to the Pocono Mountains to hang out with Poetry Peeps at Highlights! 

This will be my third time to teach with Charles, and our third season. In 2022, we were there in spring, and last year we were there in YAY for summer! I am excited to share this time with some Poetry Friday friends, too. Safe travels!

I've just read another beautiful nature book! The Comfort of Crows: A Backyard Year by Margaret Renkl. This is a lovely yearly reader with an entry for each week of the year. Margaret references a lot of poems, and her prose reads like poetry in many places. Mary Oliver fans in particular will be pleased and inspired. Take a look!

This week's ArtSpeak: FOLK ART poem is kind of a fun one inspired by a piece by Joe Ortega. 

I could have picked this metaphor apart, but I decided to let it be. It's so fantastical, how can it not work??! You may have a different opinion, of course. Thanks so much for reading.

Summer is an Alligator Eating an Ice Cream Cone

no matter how much

you savor it

such sweet



soon drips,


- Irene Latham


  1. I've had this book in my TBR stack for months! Patricia reminded me about it in a post she did. I'm pulling it off the shelf now! All of these nudges from the universe are telling me to read it. :) I love the title of this poem--it sets the whole thing up. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

  2. Yes, the ice cream always disappears, especially on these hot, hot days! Have fun at Highlights. I know you & Charles will be wonderful mentors, Irene!

  3. Hooray for alligators eating ice cream...even though the ice cream disappears...that image will remain with ME for a while. After all, I'm a crocodile ;)

  4. What a fun metaphor. I love the alligator eating ice cream by Ortega. And yest, summer disappears way too soon. Have a wonderful time in the Poconos and with your new class. Thanks for the recommendation of The Comfort of Crows. It sounds and looks delightful.

  5. When a crow comes to our back door for a snack, my husband says, "you have a customer." We have had a steady stream of customers this week! Have you heard of the word "kakotheres"? It means "unfitted for the summer's heat" or, colloquially, bad at summer. That's me! So it makes sense to me to include an alligator in a poem about summer. I would say that summer is an alligator eating MY ice cream cone. xo

  6. I'm reading the Comfort of Crows now, too! I intended to read it to reflect where we were in the year, so I actually started it at the week corresponding to the end of spring. But I love it so much I'm starting at the beginning and reading the whole thing through. Wish I could see you and Charles again at Highlights. Have a glorious time!

  7. Enjoy your time at Highlights. I'm a bit like Tabatha, bad at summer, and missing the milder summers of the NW. Maybe I just need more ice cream! Putting the Comfort of Crows on my WTR (want to read) list.

  8. I borrowed the Comfort of Crows from the library and discovered I need to purchase this book. I love the alligator metaphor for summer.

  9. At this point in the Great Heat Dome of June 2024, I'd stop with Summer is an Alligator. An alligator that is cranky, and who has big teeth and bad breath. The only sensible thing to do is stay inside until the alligator moves on.

  10. Okay, I'm terrified of alligators (several up-close encounters when young) and I hate hot weather. So I'm not great with either summer nor gators. But your poem and the art totally makes me smile! Have fun at Highlights--you're an awesome teacher.

  11. A whimsical piece of art and a wistful summer poem to match! Enjoy your Highlights teaching — wish I were there!

  12. I am still savoring Renkl's each week, and trying to write-response to them. Irene, I have a major alligator-phobia so your metaphor challenges -- but it IS terrific...a hot, hangry, summer in need of some cool sweetness.

  13. I think that alligator really needs that ice cream cone and a bit of sweetness too— Fun poem, hope it cools all off, and maybe summer too. The Comfort of Crows looks intriguing, thanks for sharing it. All the best to you and Charles at the Highlights Workshop!

  14. We have some small alligators in our lake, but they are more interested in fish. But I'll take care of the ice cream for them. :)

  15. Irene, I heard from Linda that you had travel troubles getting to Highlights. I'm so sorry. Your gator eating ice cream is a perfect summer poem.


Your thoughts?