
Monday, January 4, 2010


As promised, I am back to share with you my one little word for 2010.

It's a big thing, selecting just one little word to provide focus and inspiration and enrichment for a whole entire year. Especially for 2010, a year I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for...

And as in previous years, I spent a good deal of time selecting and discarding, selecting and discarding. And then, there it was, THE word:

Perfect, isn't it? And not just because I have my first novel coming out, which is yes, pretty darn awesome and definitely champagne-worthy. I chose it really more for the little things, the everyday things. Things like a good night's sleep, a hug from my non-hugging almost-ten year old, the bright red holly berries encased in ice. I want to celebrate every moment of this amazing life on this gorgeous planet.

And I want to celebrate YOU, too. Readers, writers, family, friends, people I don't yet know and people I will never know. So. Share with me your "one little word" in comments, and I'll enter you in my contest to win a LEAVING GEE'S BEND prize pack!

Pack includes:
1. autographed copy of Leaving Gee's Bend

2. Ludelphia's sewing kit

3. Quilts of Gee's Bend postcard set (4)

4. Gee's Bend potholder quilted by Tinnie Pettway

Winner will be selected at midnight on Sunday, January 10. Let's celebrate!!!

Oh, and if you're in Alabama, I invite you to join me at the following events:

January 10 - Launch Party with quilters from Gee's Bend, North Shelby Library,
2 pm

January 16 - It's a Book Birthday Party!, Hoover Public Library, 2 pm, yes, there will be cake!


  1. as I wrote at my blog Finish is going to be my word for 2010.

  2. Great idea for a contest! I will be back to my blog again later this week with my word for the year: delight.

    I love the notion of celebrating as a focal word. And 2010 is going to bring you plenty to celebrate!

    Happy New Year, Irene!


  3. My one word for this year is "savor". The moments we string together to make happiness pass quickly. Savor!

    Lea Smith

  4. HOPE!

    I can't wait to read your book!!!


  5. I had a bad 2009 in a number of ways ... and lost track of some of what is really important to me.

    It's time for me to get back on track ... so my word for 2010 is FOCUS.

  6. My word is FAITH. Thanks, Irene

    Catherine Findley

  7. Congrats on the release!

    I think that with what I'm going through right now my word would have to be Faith. Faith that things are going to work out for the best at some point.

  8. Irene, I always tell my students (I teach) to choose to live joyfully, and I try to practice that myself. So my word for 2010 is "joy."
    I visited the Gee's Bend Quilters last summer, so I'm so excited for you, and for them. Keep doing what you do!

  9. 2010 is the year to Enjoy--each moment! Look forward to reading your book!
    Mother Goose

  10. I want 2010 to be a year of curiosity, astonishment, and even doubt. I want to look at the world the way a child does: with mind, eyes, and heart open to experience. I want to be surprised; to put away my skepticism and pre-conceived notions, and approach everything as if for the first time. I'm ready to fall in love with the "divine details" all over again. My word for 2010 is WONDER.

  11. Grateful: I am so blessed in so many ways and want to concentrate on being thankful and expressing my gratitude. I love your book!LSears

  12. Congrats on your book launch! And I love reading all the words chosen by your readers: delight and grateful and joy!

    Mine is "immerse": in great writing and in the love of my family.

  13. Kindness is my sustaining word for 2010. There is not enough of it. It has the capacity to disarm. It is as regenerative to act kindly as it is to be the recepient of kindness. The amount of energy required to act kindly is small but has the ability to expand in large, wide and unseen ways. I believe the power of kindness has the potential for changing the world.

  14. Congratulations, Irene!

    My word for 2010 is PERSIST.

  15. I'm excited for you, and the Gee's Bend Quilters.
    I want 2010 to be RIGHTER OF WRONGS.

    My word for 2010 is TOWANDA.


  16. OMG!!! I got your lovely email and I decided before I popped over that my word was definitely "celebrate". It seems that yours is too! I am happy to celebrate your novel. I am so excited for you! Congratulations!!!!!

  17. Congratulations on your book launch! I hope your novel enjoys much acclaim not only for you, but for the awareness it can bring to the Gee's Bend community and to the fascinating art of quilting!

    My word for 2010 is "elevate."
    Elevate the conversation.
    Elevate the other person.
    Elevate my commitment to writing.
    Elevate my awareness of the wonder around me.

    Happy New Year and Happy Book Launch!

  18. my word is going to be CHILDREN because i believe adults would be lost in this world without a child to show them the path of innocence

  19. such a fabulous contest and prize pack, irene! i love it. thanks for the kind words on my elevensies interview -- looking forward to your big day!

  20. Irene, my word for the year is eager. It best describes my current state of mind on so many fronts. I'm

    Eager to share
    Eager to discover new things
    Eager to finishe my second novel
    Eager to read (Your novel is on the list)
    Eager, eager, eager!

    Wishing you a great Year.
    Fred Bassett

  21. My word for 2010 is PERSEVERE.
    PERSEVERE with my new WIP.
    PERSEVERE with my querying for an agent.

    Best wishes for you and Ludelphia!

  22. Mine is simply SMILE. I think I got a little caught up with stressing over little things last year & realize that things all have a way of working out! It's funny how just smiling can change ones mood ;)

    All the best, I can't wait to read LGB!

  23. Firstly, congratulations on the book, what a great way to start a new year! Secondly, the word, I am hopping over from La Belette Rouge, my lovely blog friend. My favorite word(s) is also my favorite challenge, cannot master it, and is:
    "radiant acquiescence"

    Have a great day!

  24. My word for 2010 is faith! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  25. I was considering 'progress' or maybe 'goals' because that is what I'm hoping I'll pregress towards but I think I'll moe positive and go for

    Thanks for this thought provoking blog post.

  26. Congrats on your book release!

    My word for 2010 is growth in the sense of growing as a person and writer. Or perhaps even as growing something in my tiny new garden. Just growth ...

  27. I do a word or a phrase every year too, but I don't have one yet. But I'm gonna pick one because I want to win...


    As in resist less, embrace more, go with the flow instead of push the river...

  28. Oh how I would love to win this package celebrating your book release!(If not, I will have to get you to autograph my copy when I get my hands on one!)

    After careful consideration, and a couple of hours in the court appointed meditators office on Monday, I have settled on the word-Courage...

    Lord knows how much of it I will need in the next few months in order to live through this insane battle.


  29. My word for 2010 is Grace... :-]

    Happy Launch Day, Irene! Go, Ludelphia, go!!!


  30. Thank you La Belette Rouge for sharing your contest with us. I have not heard of your book before, but it sounds interesting. I have also never thought to pick a word "for the year", but I think it is a fantastic I will now adopt as my own. This is a big year for me. A charity project that has taken years (just in my afraid little mind) to come into fruition has finally been started. I have pledged to wear RED shoes everyday for the entire year, taking pledges & donations of support. All of the monies will go to support Rwandan street children. Seven days in, it has been a breeze, but I am sure that it will become challenging by say....June! Anyway, after pondering, I decided my word would be
    ENDORSE. By definition this means to approve, support or sustain. As women, we do that for so very many people in our lives, from our children to politicians. I think that this is the year and time to ENDORSE yourself! Approve, support and sustain you, your essential essence of why you are here and who you were meant to be. Thanks for sharing your idea, and I wish you a lovely new year!

  31. Hi Irene! Happy New Year! What a wonderful idea for a contest!

    My word for 2010 is INSPIRE. Though my blog, it is my wish to be a source of inspiration and information for beginning writers, as I have been so greatly inspired this past year (2009) through the blogs of so many newly contracted/published writers and aspiring writers alike.

    I'm so looking forward to reading your book, Irene (even if I don't win this contest)! :)

  32. My word is going to be DO. As an artist, I have struggled this past year with inspiration and following through. Sooo...I'm going to throw inhibitions and doubts to the winds and just DO!!!
    Thanks for all your lovely work, Irene!

  33. Saw you over at Shrinking Violets. The story sounds lovely. It's definitely going on my reading list. My grandmother was an avid quilter. Congratulations on the release!

    My word is EFFECTUATE as in make my goals become reality by working towards them.
    Rebecca Langston-George

  34. My word would be "focus" because I tend to get very distracted :) Congrats on your book release!

  35. Congratulations on your book release, Irene! I will keep my eye out for it here in Seattle.

    My word for the year is Believe.

  36. My word for 2010 is TRUST.
    Congrats on your release, Irene!

  37. Interact. That's my word for the year. Congratulations on the book release. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

  38. What a great prize pack! Congrats on your deb year!!!


    secsec1 (at) gmail (dot) com

  39. Sorry i forgot my one word for 2010 my word is Fun!

  40. Oh, Irene, I love this concept! My word for this year is HARMONY. :-)

    Hugs to you, Debut Girl!


Your thoughts?