
Thursday, January 7, 2010


So it's launch day. No more pre-orders. The book is ON SALE and ON SHELVES near you!!!

It's also a SNOW DAY here in Alabama, which means kids are out of school, but there isn't yet any snow.

And tonight is the BIG GAME! No, I am not an ALABAMA fan, but I have lots and lots of friends who are. And there is a little matter of state pride... so, ROLL TIDE! Such exciting stuff for Ludelphia to pop in on.

First, some links. In case you want to know more about me or the book, these fabulous blogs have taken it upon themselves to ask me some fun and entertaining questions. Check them out! Seriously, such awesomeness in the blogosphere. I am so grateful!

Other Shelf Tours

The Book Report

Saundra Mitchell

April Nichole


The Elevensies

Shrinking Violet Promotions

Now, for something really special: I'd like to introduce my new series for 2010, which is in part, a way for me to keep my "video every week" goal for the blog.

It's called STITCHING OUR STORIES, in which I ask people to talk about the stories behind their favorite quilts or other handmade items. Because, as Ludelphia learned, every quilt tells a story.

And because this book would not exist had I not grown up the daughter of a seamstress, my very first feature is my mama, Mary Hughs, telling the story about the first dress she ever made. Enjoy!


  1. Welcome Ludelphia! And congratulations Irene! Your book is amazing and beautiful---best of luck.

  2. I can't wait until my book get her tomorrow. They said they shipped it today. Yeah!
    You look like your mother, sorry but you do. Missy gets fighting mad if anyone tells her she looks like me.

  3. snow must affect my brain... gets here hehehehe

  4. Great review on Book Page and love the videos!


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