
Monday, April 9, 2012


Confession: I was scared to watch this movie. That's why we didn't see it in the theater.

Why, you ask?

Well, I've got this little novel coming later this year that's set in a zoo. Part of my research for DON'T FEED THE BOY included zoo books, particularly ones told from the zookeeper perspective. Or from anyone living at the zoo. I was looking for animal facts, daily care facts, animal escape stories --anything to enrich my story.

Lo and behold, I stumbled upon WE BOUGHT A ZOO by Benjamin Mee. Honestly I don't remember the storyline of the book. I was only really interested in those research tidbits. And while I did a whole filing card system to catalog my research, I couldn't off the top of my head recall which, if any, facts from that source landed in my story about Whit.

So it was with some trepidation that we fired up the movie. I was prepared to hate it. The commercials looked full of melodrama, and there was one line delivered by the Thomas Haden Church character that I was already braced for-- because it is a sentiment deeply shared by Whit:

"I like the animals. I love the people."

But. It was a great story! I loved it! Sure, Matt Damon and Scarlett Johannson were a little too beautiful, and holy cuteness, the kid who played Benjamin Mee's daughter is quite the charismatic little redhead. The story really was about the humans, not the animals. The animals were just the hook.

Which, in my opinion, is exactly as it should be.

I liked the movie so much that I will probably use it as a promotional tool. As in, if you liked WE BOUGHT A ZOO, then you'll like DON'T FEED THE BOY. I might even include the dvd in some giveaway packs. Fun!

And now a question for you wonderful readers: any other zoo tie-ins come to mind? Books, movies, music, etc. that's zoo-related?

Oh, and do kids still like these animal bracelets? Might be fun swag...

Please share your suggestions! Thanks.

And y'all: don't forget to check in on our Progressive Poem. Today's line comes from Gina over at Swagger!


  1. Have you read any Gerald Durrell? I'm most familiar with My Family and Other Animals, which isn't about a zoo, but when he grew up he had his own zoo and I know I read some books about it.

    1. Ruth, I have NOT heard of Gerald Durrell. I'll check it out. Thanks so much for the recommendation!

  2. yes the younger kids still like these bracelets
    One thing that you might or might not know is the elephant sanctuary in TN

    1. Pat, have you been there?? I've heard of it but (obviously) haven't been there yet myself. I'm sure Amy knows all about it. :)

  3. My most favorite story is one I read a couple of years ago, Irene, titled The Zookeeper's Wife, by Diane Ackerman. It is an inspirational story of the wife of the zookeeper in Warsaw during the Nazi invasion, of the risks they took to save both animals & people-wonderful book. I love hearing about your research & that you liked the movie. I will try to see it!

    1. Linda, that is a wonderful book and one I own a copy of because I love it so much. I wrote a poem inspired by something I learned in that book.. it's called "The Institut de Beaute on Marzalkowska Street." It's about a beauty parlor that helped Jewish women look less ethnic so they'd be less at risk. Thanks for mentioning it!

  4. I don't have much to offer by way of zoo tie-ins. The only thing I can think of is that the Denver zoo, which we frequent, is building a new section for asian animals and the updates we've received make it sound really exciting.

    The kids I know: elementary age kids, are no longer fond of these wrists bands. Sorry. Otherwise they'd be the perfect swag.

  5. Hi, Irene! I can't wait for your book.
    I was a little leery of seeing the movie, too, because I volunteer some at a local zoo and figured my inner critic would take over and my eyes might get tired of rolling. But, like you, I was pleasantly surprised to actually ENJOY the story! Yep, more about the people than the animals. A fun movie. And yes to Ruth's Gerald Durrell suggestion - I need to re-read some of those!

  6. Hi Irene! Haven't seen the movie, but I did hear good things about it from my daughter. Sorry to say that the elementary schoolers I know don't wear the bracelets any more, but you could try animal stickers -- stickers are eternal!

  7. Can I have a list of those books you used for research? I want to do some reading with stories (nonfiction and fiction) in my field to learn more about animals and how life in a zoo works.

    And I LOVED the movie!!!

    Also took my family (Mom, Dad, Scott, and his girlfriend Cayla) to the Animal House last weekend! They loved it! My dad took a lot of pictures! Will post them to my blog soon!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh and I have been to the Elephant Sactionary in TN! Yes I do know a lot about it! Sadly it is closed to the public. I was lucky to be able to go. My cousin works there and she was allowed to give a small number of her family a tour. I got to see all the elephants she works with!

  10. I'm glad to know you liked the movie because I've been debating whether to watch it too. And it sounds like a great tie-in with your book!

  11. Your book looks like fun. Around here (New England) the bracelet fad came and went in the elementary-school age crowd after most schools banned the bracelets. Inexplicably, most of the kids in our school love bookmarks and shaped erasers.


Your thoughts?