
Wednesday, April 11, 2012


So I was going to write this post about goals and dreams -- about how we've got to remember the difference because otherwise you will end up feeling like a huge failure.

For example: your goal can't be "win the Newbery Medal." Because you have absolutely no control over that. That involves being picked, chosen.
Which is up to that very specific committee of librarians.

Winning the Newbery is a DREAM. And hey, it's a lovely, lovely dream. And no way will that dream ever come true if you don't first write THE BOOK. Maybe LOTS of books.

So, there's your goal: write a book. Then write another book. And another.

But. Turns out I don't need to write this post because Lindsey Leavitt, who, like her books, is a vessel, vessel, I say, for Humor with Heart. READ LINDSEY'S BOOKS. You'll see. And readers, wait till you see Lindsey's 2013 book! AWE.SOME.

 Also, FYI: It's Seth Godin's manifesto STOP STEALING DREAMS about how education in our country needs an overhaul that got me thinking about goals and dreams in the first place.

The latest line in our Progressive Poem can be found today at Kate Coomb's blog. I LOVE IT.


  1. AH! You are where I got the idea to write that! I swear, I wrote down DREAMS VS GOALS, then couldn't remember who I was talking to on topic. Man, too bad. You would have written it better. I'm a stealer (in my defense, was slightly out of sorts that week :))

  2. Not a stealer. It's such a heartfelt, honest post. You do vulnerable way better than I do. xo


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