
Monday, September 9, 2013

Movie Monday: THE WAY WAY BACK

So it's been a while since I've posted a Movie Monday -- not because I haven't been going to the movies, but because I haven't seen anything lately worth blogging about.

That's right: I save this space for only the movies that really REALLY speak to me. THE WAY WAY BACK is one of those movies. We took the whole family to see it, and it seemed to hit a chord with each of us. Why?

Well, without giving too much away, it's about Duncan. He's 14. He's the unwilling participant in a summer trip that's been orchestrated by Trent, the man who is dating his mother. This man is the King of Say the Right Thing But Do the Opposite. Duncan is on to him and doesn't understand why his mother isn't.

Duncan escapes the awfulness by taking a job at a local water park where he meets true friends (Owen! LOVE HIM. There is this moment at the beginning of the movie where he does the most unexpected and telling thing... I want to be more like Owen!) and learns a lot, and yes, there's a little romance involved. But mostly it's about a kid finding a way to create a good life in the midst of circumstances beyond his control. Funny moments, sweet moments, break-your-heart moments. Go see!


  1. Thanks for this, Irene. I rarely go see movies any more....but this one sounds interesting and good. Have a great sky photo a friend took, but his lovely wife is in it. I will try to send it for you to see. It was taken with an iphone which makes it even more amazing. Was a gorgeous day they say! Look for an email in a while.
    Janet F.

  2. I'll have to look this one up. Thanks


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