
Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Our Dream House...until our dream changed. :)
I did lots of painting in that house too... and I
still wear the same painting attire 20 years later.
Yay for scrubs!
 So, on the topic of the joys of home ownership: the other day I heard a dripping noise, just as I settled in my favorite chair to write. I got up to investigate and discovered a crack along the entire left side of the toilet in our half-bathroom. I shut off the water and mopped up with towels.

Later, my husband I went shopping for a new toilet. Who knew there were so many varieties! And me feeling time-crunched... so we pointed and picked and brought our new baby home.

When the plumber came to install it, he was pulling the old toilet off the wood flooring when a terrible odor invaded the house. He, in his gloved hands, poked around, and said, um, I can stick my finger through this flooring. No new toilet until the flooring is replaced.

Turns out, those three little boys who all potty-trained on that toilet? Well. They left behind enough of their "misses" to irreparably damage the wood! This should tell you something about my housecleaning. Hmm. In my defense:

"a clean house is the sign of a dull woman."

SO... next we had to decide on new flooring, which we did, which had to be ordered.

Meanwhile, I decided I wanted to paint the walls. Which I did. Which revealed how long it had been since we painted the trim.

THAT led to a gallon of trim paint, a new angled brush, and my new mission: paint a door a day (and the surrounding trim). It's only an hour of my day... and in a month, we'll be all spruced up around here!

Bonus Flashback Photo:
Potty-training days!


  1. I won't tell all the details, but my neighbor & I just went through this with some plumbing problems in our 'shared' basement (I'm in old, but rehabbed, officer's quarters' duplexes in the redeveloped Lowry Air Force Base). As we investigated a small leak, it turned into BIGGER! Sounds like you had a similar experience, Irene. So glad you found it before the toilet fell through! The doors will look pretty!

    1. Yes, Linda, everywhere I look now home renovation projects are getting BIGGER! I am such a finish-it kind of gal that having things in transition is a growth experience for me. :)

  2. Now you know what I've been going through. One remodeling job leads to another.

    1. Sheila, it's crazy! I think part of it is that our house has finally just reached that point. Now I am looking around and seeing so much to be done... crazy making! Hope your renovations are going well. xo

  3. well anyone that knows me knows I hate change... unlike my daughter who changes wall colors like most people change shoes...not me I'm wearing shoes I wore in 1969 ... am I dull? just kidding Irene


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