
Friday, December 11, 2020

The Muse in December


Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit Buffy Silverman for Roundup.

Update: The Artist's Way Jan-March 2021 group has two slots left. If you're interested, please leave a comment, and I will send you the information. 

Wanted to share a little December from THIS POEM IS A NEST, art by Johanna Wright:

Isn't that sweet? :) 

And... here is a post I wrote over at Smack Dab in the Middle, about something I do every December.

I'm feeling a bit blue about my ArtSpeak: RED year coming to a close... I've enjoyed the energy of this color-themed-art-year so very much... and the slew of Richard Jones-inspired poems here at the end has been a lovely surprise! Today I've got a short one for all of us who enjoy creating. Thank you for reading. xo


  1. So small. So sweet and perfect. Wishing you a sweet day today, Irene.

  2. I love your little bird. I am forever looking up these days, looking for birds, so I can relate to the little guy!

  3. White space is always a good reason to look up. Love this tiny poem and tiny bird. :)

  4. What a perfect image for the muse... and a reminder to look up!

  5. A perfect cozy poem for December. I like your planning post. I also plan in December. I love planning...possibly more than doing. ha! I've been inspired by your Artspeak projects and I am planning a poem a week in 2021 for my upcoming OLW. I'm looking forward to it with excitement. Thanks for teaching by doing.

  6. I think I might "borrow" your image & poem for a 2021 inspiration, Irene. It is special. I've loved your "red" year, too. It's my favorite color, so. . .

  7. Oh, I love your pencil-sharp muse! (And its so-clever title.) Such an optimistic little joy-poem. I think I'll have to print a it on a tiny piece and find a tiny frame and pop it near my computer - and think of you!🥰

  8. Thanks for sharing your "Smack Dab" post, lovely little red muse-bird and uplifting poem!

  9. I adore that sweet little bird and the poem she inspired! Looking forward to hearing about your ArtSpeak plans for the coming year!

  10. Nothing better than poetry inspired by art--I love where your muse took you with that little bird!

    I can connect to your planning post -- I'm thinking hard about ways to change up my online classroom for second semester to include more of both art and poetry (and CHOICE). Pretty sure we'll be mining your padlet more frequently! Thanks for sharing this amazing resource.

  11. Somehow that wee bird has stirred a flurry of red-feathered thinking beyond December. Honestly I've been staying in the moment more than ever, and not all by just is that way at the moment. Thanks for the eternal inspiration, Irene!

  12. I love "The muse/ is a bird/ forever/ looking/ up paired with such a perfect illustration. So cheerful for me to read today.

  13. You have captured so much of what I love about December in so few words. Thank you!


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