To celebrate, I am hosting ZOO DAYS at Birmingham Zoo.
Wednesday, June 25, 9 am
Sunday, July 20, 1 pm
We'll meet at the Picnic Pavilion (where Whit first speaks to Stella), and then we'll go inside the gates for a tour of all Whit's favorite spots at the zoo. Also, my guests will get a special sneak peek of my new book DEAR WANDERING WILDEBEEST
Zoo admission required.
For those of you far-flung and unable to get to the Birmingham Zoo, I invite you to visit your own local zoo. Take a picture of YOU at the Zoo (bonus entry for YOU at the Zoo with a zoo animal!), like this one, taken at my very first trip to the London Zoo (I'm the one on the steps, and that's my brother Ken, Mom, sister Lynn and brother Stan):
You can send it to me via social media:
Everyone who sends in a pic will be entered in a drawing to win a classroom set (25 copies) of DON'T FEED THE BOY in paperback! Entries accepted June 1 - July 31. Random drawing & winner announced August 1.
Thursday, June 26, 2-4 pm, I will be teaching a WRITING WORKSHOP for students at Trussville Public Library
. Hope to see you!
. Hope to see you!
Join me and the Alabama Folk Life Association
for Common Threads: Quilting Heritage Program
at the Birmingham Museum of Art
Friday, June 27!
for Common Threads: Quilting Heritage Program
at the Birmingham Museum of Art
Friday, June 27!
and finally, writers & artists, don't forget....
DEADLINE JULY 1 for The Electra Awards! A joint project of Birmingham Arts Journal
& Alabama Power Company, we are offering a contest with cash awards in celebration of The Power of Art to Ignite, Delight, & Unite! Prose, poetry and art categories, deadline July 1. More information here.
Songwriting Workshop for Students, 4 consecutive Thursdays beginning July 10, taught by ASFA instructor Jason Slatton, at DISCO
(Desert Island Supply Co, 5500 1st Ave. N, Birmingham), 10 - 11:30. Spaces limited... contact me to sign up!
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