Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ghosts of Thanksgivings Past

This year I'm feeling particularly grateful, which makes me festive for the Thanksgiving holiday. Even though our gathering will be small, it hasn't stopped me from doing all the things I love best -- like get out the kids' old Thanksgiving art! The kitchen looks like a turkey farm! Here are just a few shots:

and a poem by Eric:


Fat, Colorful,
Strutting, Gobbling
Proud, Excited, Scared, Sad

 Check out these angry looking scarecrows...

The decorations are not limited to wallhangings, oh no... here are a few sculptures:

... and finally, here is a pilgrim version of Paul and me:



  1. How wonderful that you've saved all these from your kids, Irene. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

  2. Hey happy thanksgiving to you, too! I am also going to throw a fun party in my office. But dear I am having hard time in finding fun company party ideas. Could you please share some affordable ideas?


Your thoughts?