Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Butterfly Hours Memoir Project: DESK

For 2019 I'm running a year-long series on my blog in which I share my responses to the writing assignment prompts found in THE BUTTERLY HOURS by Patty Dann.

I welcome you to join me, if you like! I've divided the prompts by month, and the plan is to respond to 3 (or so) a week. For some of these I may write poems, for others prose. The important thing is to mine my memory. Who knows where this exploration will lead?
In January I wrote about: apron, bar, basketball, bed, bicycle, birthday, boat, broom, button, cake, car.

Here are February's prompts: chair, chlorine, church, concert, cookbook, couch, dancing, desk, dessert, dining room table, diploma.


Today, a poem:
memories are dust
stuck in the grooves
of the roll top
dreams hide
in dark cubbies
beside bottle tops,
ticket stubs
and a tiny cat figurine
I plunder the drawers,
find stacks of poems,
written in a voice
that's mine
and not mine –
a thousand scratches
and scars
only deepen
that warm oak glow
- Irene Latham

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