Friday, January 17, 2020

Eat this (Apple) Poem!

Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit for Catherine at Reading to the Core for Roundup. In this addition of ArtSpeak: Red, I write after another piece by Vincent van Gogh. (I've written more poems after van Gogh pieces than any other single artist.) And it took me to apple harvest time, which is NOT in January! So... hello, September!


her cheeks apple-sweet,
round as morning

the world red with joy
borne of rain, dirt, sun

life perfumed, glossy –
go ahead, take a bite

- Irene Latham


  1. Oh, love thinking of "life perfumed, glossy" Irene. What a wonderful poem with this picture!

  2. round as morning!
    As a "sweet-cheek" girl, I've always hated my cheeks. But, if I could feel this way about them, it would be swell.

  3. Yum! I love this world red with joy.

  4. Today, winter is back in Ohio. Kind of with a vengeance, it seems. I will fight back with an apple crisp made from the last of last fall's Arkansas Blacks. ("The Arkansas Black is an apple cultivar that originated in the mid-19th Century in Benton County, Arkansas."

  5. I love "round as morning" and "red with joy." I'm an apple-a-day fan, and this poem is delicious!

  6. Your last stanza is a beauty, Irene, just like an apple. I decide to take a bit.

  7. Thanks for your visual poem that painted its own picture for me Irene. It made me think of the painter Pissarro first, and then Paula Modersohn-Becker because she used red in many of her paintings–here's a link to one:

  8. Love all of this, but especially the middle stanza:
    " the world red with joy
    borne of rain, dirt, sun"
    Lots to think about in those ten words. This is going to be one delightful year of red poems. I'm already hooked (and red isn't even one of my favorite colors).

  9. Beautiful poem! I was recently told that red is my color, so I am truly enjoying your red work. It is such a joyful color! Thanks again...


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