Friday, May 24, 2024

Writing Poems in the Wrong Season

 Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit Michelle at More Art 4 All for Roundup.

First a word about Katey Howes, whom I had the privilege of sharing time with at Highlights in 2022. What a bright spirit, and what beautiful books she helped to create! It's difficult to process her passing. Sending love and hugs to all who mourn her.

The good folks at Highlights will be establishing a named scholarship fund in memory of Katey, but that link won't be available until next week. If you'd like to go ahead and send something, here's what to do:

Make a contribution to the General Scholarship fund and put a note about Katey in the comments section. 

And now: it's Spring, obviously. So why is my muse bringing me poems about FALL??

 I don't know, but I have learned to just roll with it. 

I am loving learning about folk artist George Voronovsky, who has some work on exhibit at the High Museum in Atlanta. I'll be writing after more of his art later this year. 

Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this ArtSpeak: FOLK ART little blast of autumn! Thanks so much for reading.

it's fall, howl the hounds,
let's scuttle up flannel sky,
give Moon a snuggle

- Irene Latham


  1. Irene, I did not have the privilege of knowing Katey Howes personally, but I do love her poetic, lyrical writing. Thank you for sharing your experience of getting to know her.

    I enjoyed looking at the samples of George Voronovsky’s work through the link you provided. Seeing animal life as a central theme in each of those six pieces made me smile. Love your scuttling hounds!

  2. A flannel sky! What a gorgeous image. I'm so saddened to hear about Katey. My heart goes out to her family and friends. Such heartbreak. I'm so glad to hear there will be a Highlights scholarship set up in her name. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I love hounds that howl and scuttle! You weave art from art, Irene. And thank you for including the info about a scholarship in Katey's name. It's a lovely gesture for one who will be deeply missed.

  4. Yes, to a flannel sky! I would snuggle the moon in a heartbeat. You know, when I started "playing with paper, scissors and glue" I didn't think of myself as an artist. These days, my family members look forward to the next holiday card I create I realize, that at least to them, I'm an NOW I try to create pieces for the season six months ahead. It's kind of fun to consider the future and be thinking of those people that I love. So, hooray to those hounds of Fall!

  5. Another cheer for a flannel sky! Thoughts and memories of fall and winter help me make it through the heat and humidity of summer!

  6. Many thanks for introducing us to the artist George Voronovsky, and his rich, colorful, historically filled images. I enjoyed viewing his art and the timeline. Love your "flannel sky" and moon snuggle. Thanks also for sharing info on Katey Howes, such a deep loss for all.

  7. It's an amazing piece of art, Irene, and well, Fall is coming! I love your own images, those hounds scuttling up the flannel sky! Now, when I look at the moon, I'll remember!

  8. Irene, thank you for sharing about Katey Howes. What a shock her death was to so many. My condolences to you and all who loved her. I'm enchanted by "let's scuttle up flannel sky and give Moon a snuggle." I see it in the artwork, but your words are actually better, in my opinion.

  9. "flannel sky" is such a fresh image. Thanks for the info on the scholarship fund for dear Katey. I will pass it along.

  10. I was so saddened to hear about Katey's passing. What a terrible loss for her family. It feels very autumnal here where I am, cold and grey and rainy, so a cozy poem feels just right.


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