So I am writing this post ahead of time, because Friday I have reserved for reading.
See, I'm taking this Newbery class through ALSC, in which we are asked to read a Newbery title from each decade. This week we are on 60s, 70s, 80s. Trouble is, I am still behind one title from last week (30s, 40s, 50s) -- THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND, which I remembered loving, but didn't remember why.
Well, for those of you who also need a refresher, it's historic, about learning to live in a new world, and there's a slow romance brewing. Good stuff...
Also this week I have read (listened to) Beverly Cleary's DEAR MR. HENSHAW. All wannabe writers should read it, as it's about a wannabe writer. Lots of gems in there.
So two and a half Newberys to go before next week gets here. And oh, the stack is so tall on my nightstand! Hoping to whittle that sucker down a little.
Anybody else reading today?
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