For the past almost-22 years, my husband and I have had a standing Saturday night date. On our first date (which was also a
blind date), we saw DRIVING MISS DAISY. We've seen so many since then, and often make it our goal to see all the Academy Award nominees before Oscar night. We love watching the Golden Globes and for years subscribed to
Entertainment Weekly magazine.
So we're movie buffs. In an age when good movies are harder and harder to find. We prefer the smaller, indie films, foreign stuff and documentaries over the big commercial jobs that usually cleanup at the Box Office. Some Saturdays we don't go to the movies at all because there is nothing we want to see. (It's just like books: lots of hype over certain films that aren't even original when we crave original.) Which saddens me greatly.
And now for the good news: this past Saturday we saw MY WEEK WITH MARILYN. And I loved it! Sure it is cliche-ridden, and really, what does it add to the canon of Marilyn Monroe mystique? But it's a lovely movie. I loved the focus on Marilyn's insecurities, her struggle to be a "real" actress, and how others were frustrated by her bad behavior (ALWAYS late to the set, always some drama) yet folks were also completely fascinated and eventually, forgiving.
As an artist/writer/creator, I relate to those insecurities. I understand her need to escape her own life -- but only for a little while. I left that theater smiling. I haven't enjoyed a movie that much in quite a while.
Next time I do, I'll write about it here for Movie Monday.
Any good movies you've seen lately?