Tuesday, October 23, 2018

2 For Tuesday: Octopus Poems by Linda Mitchell & Pat Cruzan #OctopusMonth

Celebrate Cephalopods
by Linda Mitchell

I didn’t know, did you?
Cephalopod Week
is third week of June
a date octopuses keep
Octo-plumber (contributed by
Linda Baie!)

With backward swims
scouting out prey
All eight of their limbs
hunt festive entrées

An Octopus parties alone
they’re really quite shy
if you find one at  home
she’ll squirt you with dye

Her masquerade ink
An off-putting greeting
Hiding from you
is all she’s needing

If you choose to observe
cephalopod week this June
show some reserve
party quietly alone...in your room
An Octopus
by Patricia Cruzan

With his central brain
and ganglion arms,
Mr. Octopus outsmarts
his crafty predators.
another octo-book!
Love that it features another
mollusk on its cover...
thank you, Linda!

An octopus shoots
an inky black cloud,
breaking free from enemies
as he dulls the smell sense.

His unusual way
of mimicking surroundings
helps him escape,
gracefully, through oceans.

This mollusk crams into
a crevice or a crack
as he twists his body,
avoiding his foe.

So there's a Cephalopod Week in June, and World Octopus Day in October... but we can celebrate octopuses and their amazing-ness every day in our own backward-swimming way! Thank you, ladies. Agnes is honored by your words. xo


  1. I know that many of us are on this octopus journey with you, Irene! It was fun to discover that new book & that "octo-plumber" last week. Linda, I love your ending, "party quietly alone...in your room". It feels a little lonely, but for octopuses, definitely safe! And Patricia, you've given me a new thought for these interesting creatures through "helps him escape,/gracefully". Love that image!

  2. Thank you for sharing these today, Irene! Love to you and Agnes!


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