Hello and Happy Spiritual Journey Thursday! Roundup is here. Today we are reflecting on our 2018 One Little Word. We are also signing up for next year.
If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it – metaphorically speaking, getting a message out to millions or billions – what would it say and why? It could be a few words or a paragraph. (If helpful, it can be someone else's quote: Are there any quote you think of often or live your life by?)
Isn't this a great question on a day when we are discussing words, and the power of words to impact our lives?!
My first thought: Live your poem. I mean, obviously, it's what I celebrate here, on my digital billboard. What does it mean? Well, a lot of things -- and it can mean different things to different people. For me, it means going my own way, being my authentic self, celebrating each moment, diving deep into life, being brave, vulnerable, paying attention, beholding (!), loving the world in the ways that are important to me.
What does "live your poem" mean to you? What would your billboard say?
sky pinkens at dusk
beaver moon admires itself
in hushed waters |
And now, about my 2018 One Little Word "BEHOLD:" I chose this word because I wanted to really pay attention to each moment of my life, to do more than just look: to
behold with wonder and awe and joy.
I do think I've done a lot of behold-ing this year. Moving to the lake has allowed much opportunity for appreciating the seasons and wildlife all around us. But the word hasn't been as much a part of my life as in other years... in fact, a couple of times, I had to look on my blog to remember what my word was! Ha ha! I think it's just been a very busy year, full of change. I am looking forward to a quiet-er, more settled 2019.
Please leave your link here!
Finally, here is a signup for 2019 hosts for Spiritual Journey Thursday. Please leave in comments your name and your topic (if you know it). We will of course check in with each other via email each month regarding topics. No pressure! Thanks so much for sharing the journey. xo
January 3 - Ruth @ there is no such thing as a godforsaken town -"2019 OLW"
February 7 - Donna @ Mainely Write - "home is where the heart is"
March 7 - Doraine - "balance"
April 4 - Dani Burtsfield
May 2 - Carol @ Beyond LiteracyLink - tbd
June 6 - Ramona @ Pleasures on the Page - "significance"
July 4
August 1 Margaret @ Reflections on the Teche - "change"
September 5
October 3 - Karen Eastlund - tbd
November 7
December 5 - Irene @ Live Your Poem -reflections on 2019 OLW